Wednesday 3 March 2010

Depression: Would you spot it?

Part 2 on my blogs about depression. I aim to cover the symptoms of depression.

Depression is not always easy to spot in people so cover it up as best they can while they are with people. Some people just don't read the signs. Once again this is a case of people not knowing enough about it to spot them.

It is my belief that everyone should at least know the symptoms and look out for signs of it. But specially people who are in a position of power i.e. Boss, Teacher, Youth Worker Etc. Are these people given enough training to be able to help.

Its not just up to these people to spot it everyone should know the symptoms. Not everyone will show them but for those who do you might just save someone.

As with most illnesses some of the symptoms are easy to spot and some are very difficult. All the more so with psychological illnesses.

A few of the most obvious ones are: Slowed or slurred Speech, Fatigue, Lack of motivation to do anything and a drop in performance at work or school.

There are various list of symptoms on the Internet along with a short survey you can take.

So who ever you are take a few minutes out and have a quick flick through and learn some. You never know you might be able to help someone you know. But remember there is a difference between someone being in a bad mood and depression.

I am going to mix it up next week and touch on a different subject. Feel free to leave me any suggestions