Sunday 31 January 2010


Well its been an interesting weekend. Which means the content of this blog is more about what i did with my weekend. I shall be doing another blog very soon along with continuing my post office blog which i will be posting at the end of the week.

Friday was Mels birthday gathering where we went to her very nice flat with her other friends.

Saturday rugby was called off again. But we did get to watch the 2nds play and win very well against our local rivals.

Saturday night was fun there was booze, laughs, dancing, tears and a bloody nose among other things but it was definitely a night to remember.

Today was my mothers birthday and while waiting around i went to see my good friend ray just to witness the fact that she does actually work and wasn't just making it up.

In the coming weeks i will be blogging about various different subjects including my own activities i will be talking about employment, the decline in participtaion in sport, The lack of activities our younger generation do and why they stay in side so much, depression among other things.

I hope you all enjoy the reading and will come back and read the others.

Thursday 28 January 2010


This blog is going to focus on charities and what can be done to help them.

I have take part in many fundraising events and activities with the latest one being growing my beard for the whole of January for Chestnut tree house hospice. They care for terminally children and young adults from 0 - 19 years old.

It costs £2 million a year to run their services with the government contributing none of that. It is all made up from donations and fund raising.

Why when the government can spend billions a year to fund wars in far off lands, can they not find at least some money for charities like this that cover for the short fall in the NHS.

Now i am not criticising the work that the NHS do as for the resources of man power, equipment and money they do a great job. Or the people that are in armed forces fighting in Afganistan.

But the government use our money to bail out the banks, fight these wars on terror in different countries and forget that the basic things that we need and pay our taxes for like heath care and education for the future generation.

Now back to the main point that charities out there need our help and our money. As they need our support to keep running and to help all those causes that deserve it both domestic and foreign. There are many ways you can help them and not just by donating money.

My friend has a blog called FreeGiving on just this type of thing check it out for more ways you can help charities without donating money.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

The 1st shot

Ok so this is my 1st attempt at blogging. I hope everyone enjoys reading about my views and hopefully create some discussion about them.

My first topic will be about the stresses and pressure that is put on young adults from 16 - 25.

There is the stereotype that all young adults are thugs. You wear a hoodie in the street or hang around with a group of friends everyone gives you a wide birth. No one knows who you are and what you have done. The media constantly forces it down your throat about all the bad things that have happened of course people will form stereotypes.

But what you have to ask is if things were so much different in older peoples day and so much better then why has it changed if they are our role models, the ones that teach us, govern the country. Then who really is to blame in the social break down of the country?
If you look at some of the scandals that politicians have been through i.e. expenses and claiming more than they need. Is that any better than the person claiming benefits fraudulently to try and survive on what little they have as it is. Just because we have elected them to run our country and that they have/ had our trust.

Is it the youth who are the "thugs" on the streets or the politicians and authorities who are constantly telling us what we can and can not do. Of course young people will rebel they don't want the country they are growing up in and one day will run to be ruined by a generation that shows nothing but scorn and disregard in the youth of today.

So is it the fact that the youth are more misbehaved today than they were 30 years ago. Or is it the fact that the media is now so wide spread and accessible to everyone in seconds that people just know more about what has happened then ever before. Do people look back on their youth and only remember the good points. Or is it the older generation blowing it out of proportion just so they can place stricter measures on us to control and manipulate us to not rebel against the state?

To be continued

I hope you enjoy my 1st attempt at a blog and any feedback would be good. There will be more to come. Not just me ranting.