Tuesday 27 April 2010


OK so this isn't going to be a well researched blog its just going to be me having a moan.

Now your probably thinking that I'm going to moan about immigrants but I'm not.

I'm taking a different look on it than most people do when you mention immigrants people automatically think of them coming over here and "stealing" British jobs.

Lets look at this logically you have the immigrants that are highly trained and come over here to be able to get a job in whatever area they specialise. I.e the NHS yes there are loads of foreign nationals working for the NHS some of which have moved here to be able to work some may have even been recruited from abroad.
Why has this happened? Due to the fact that there isn't enough British people who want these jobs. They aren't qualified and find it to hard to qualify in this country to then work the rubbish long hours.

You also get the low skilled immigrants that come over as well. Now the other jobs that the immigrants "steal" are low paid manual labour jobs.
They were there before the immigrants came here and people didn't want to work them then. So why all the fuss when someone who's not British wants the job?
OK so do people pay the immigrants less to do that job? No that's what they were offering in the 1st place and the British people thought they would have a better deal if they sit on their ever increasing in size lazy arses and claim benefits.

I'm my eyes we don't have a problem with the immigrant work force coming over here and "stealing" jobs.
If it wasn't for them then most of Britain would come to a stand still because for to long we have allowed people and easy ride to claim benefit that they have forgotten what the idea of hard work is.
Some people can go their whole lives living off the state. Costing the country more than an immigrant that have moved here to work.

But who gets the bad reputation?

I wouldn't blame the rest of the world as viewing the British population as free loading work shy idiots. I know I'm starting to

Thursday 22 April 2010

The lesser evil

Sorry for the really long delay since my last blog. Been a bit busy at work and with my laptop dying on me haven't had a chance to get on.

OK so I'm going to blog about the elections today. We've still got a good couple of weeks of the 3 main parties trying to get one over on each other saying they are the right one to choose.

More people than ever a reported to have registered to vote but still not everyone.

But how many of them will be between 18 - 23 are actually registered to vote? How many of those will actually vote. But they are a key age range for each party to win over. And will be greatly affected by the result.

The result of this general election will affect the future of this country so why are people not voting?

Is this down to what i believe that all of the parties are the same in essence and that at the end of the day do any of them listen to the common every day people?

My view is register to vote and actually make the effort to cast my vote for someone. That entitles me to the right to moan about who is in power because at least i can say i voted (Unless by some real shock move the Lib Dems make it to power then i could be moaning about myself voting them in. I think they will be just as shocked as everyone else if they did)

The point of this blog. Maybe to encourage people to get active to find out more about the parties and maybe some of the lesser known parties that could do more for your local area.

There are a few parties that have very radical ideas w will be looking to use peoples uncertainty about which big party to get a foothold in to Parliament. This has to be stopped. Can you imagine a country run by the BNP?

Please get motivated take and interest in the future of your country to find out so to register to vote click here

I'm not the biggest fan of the government and think they get a lot of things wrong. But we still need to choose the lesser of the evils to lead us.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Depression: Would you spot it?

Part 2 on my blogs about depression. I aim to cover the symptoms of depression.

Depression is not always easy to spot in people so cover it up as best they can while they are with people. Some people just don't read the signs. Once again this is a case of people not knowing enough about it to spot them.

It is my belief that everyone should at least know the symptoms and look out for signs of it. But specially people who are in a position of power i.e. Boss, Teacher, Youth Worker Etc. Are these people given enough training to be able to help.

Its not just up to these people to spot it everyone should know the symptoms. Not everyone will show them but for those who do you might just save someone.

As with most illnesses some of the symptoms are easy to spot and some are very difficult. All the more so with psychological illnesses.

A few of the most obvious ones are: Slowed or slurred Speech, Fatigue, Lack of motivation to do anything and a drop in performance at work or school.

There are various list of symptoms on the Internet along with a short survey you can take.

So who ever you are take a few minutes out and have a quick flick through and learn some. You never know you might be able to help someone you know. But remember there is a difference between someone being in a bad mood and depression.

I am going to mix it up next week and touch on a different subject. Feel free to leave me any suggestions

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Depression: Would you admit to it?

Today I'm going to cover the sensitive subject of depression. Why do we have such problems talking about something that affect so many people.

New research that has been carried out by Turning point shows that around 75% of people will suffer from depression in the UK at some stage in their lifetime. Of these only a 1/3 of them seek professional medical help. With another 1/3 turning to other resources or means of help. That leaves at today's population 15,250,000 people that will suffer from depression at some stage in their life and suffer in silence.

Now maybe you have been one of this 75% already or maybe sometime in the future you might be. Have you or would you seek help?

Is there enough done to raise the awareness of Depression and other mental health problems that cost the country billions a year? But more importantly the cost to the people who suffer is much greater?

Most reports that are done highlight how these illnesses affect the economy etc. But how often do the reports in the news focus on the human cost of them and how it affects the individual?

The effectiveness of treatments for depression vary depending on who you talk to. Some believe that it can be treated with anti depressants while other believe Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is the best option. These are the ones that are mostly recommended by doctors due to them having their hands tied by both cost and time restraints.

31 million prescriptions for anti depressants are made up every year. Can they really be the best way forward....

While they may work for some people they won't for everyone. Are anti depressants just a short term stop gap. When will the NHS offer more services for the long term treatment for depression and start devoting more time to helping those who suffer. So much is done to raise the awareness of the health risks of smoking and helping people give up smoking why is more not done to help protect peoples mental health.

A good article on depression was recently done for the Guardian by Luiza Sauma

I will be covering more on depression in the following weeks as its a subject that i feel strongly about.

Saturday 13 February 2010

A Smile

Today is a bit of a different one. Its not really a moan just about a suggestion.

A smile such a simple thing. It takes less muscles to smile than it does frown and a smile can change a day.

Its amazing not only smiling make yourself feel better and happier but you can also make other people around you happier. When someone is truly happy and smiling away its hard to walk past them and not want to smile.

It brings a happy feeling inside when someone smiles at you. It can change your whole day in one second.

Now if everyone smiled more wouldn't things just seem a whole lot better in the world.

Also why don't strangers talk to each other as much anymore. People actually avoid conversation with people they don't know now through fear of them being a thug, killer, rapist, thief etc.

A couple of months ago while going through a rough patch and feeling pretty upset and pissed off with the world. I was sitting on a bench on my own thinking. A complete stranger came and sat next to me and started eating some chips. He actually turned round to me and asked if i was OK and if i wanted a chip.

Now i had never met the person i my life before. What made this person think of doing that in this day and age. But it changed my day completely to know that some people out there are still decent and care about other human beings even if they don't know them.

So whats the point of this blog?

Its this just once a week while your out and about think about other people. Hold a door open, buy a big issues, help someone carry their shopping (If you're feeling really helpful), Or just a simple smile

Tuesday 9 February 2010


OK sorry folks have been a bit slack with the old blogging of late.

Had a busy weekend of rugby rugby and more rugby. Which of course all the right teams won :). Made it another week without smoking now 3 in a row.

Oh and on the smoking note saw an interesting article on how 3rd hand smoke can give you cancer. That's right people 3rd hand smoke.

The new official government line is don't even make eye contact with any one who smokes or you will contract cancer!!!

I will work on a proper blog over the next few days when i have the time.

Not sure what subject to cover this week so any suggestions would be good.

I do have a list of things i wanted to cover but unsurprisingly I have forgotten what they are I have also forgotten where I saved the list.

Friday 5 February 2010

Post office blog

OK well i spend a lot of time in the post office so i thought i would use this time and write a blog. This has ended up with it going all over the place and not really making sense due to the amount of time i had each day to write it and what mood i was in.

I hope you enjoy the read.

Day 1

You have the young adults picking up the form for their provisional driving licence or travel money for their school trips.
The people posting birthday presents to distant relatives.
The business people sending out people purchases

Day 2
Queue is huge today nearly out the door. Why did they shut the smaller post offices they provided a valuable service to people in small villages specially those with no transport. Cutting cost at the expense to everyone else.
People are too busy to point the finger at the staff who are doing the best they can it's not their fault that they are understaffed and overworked. But people need a scapegoat and like the nhs it's tv staff that get most of the problems when doing the best they can and working harder and longer than others to provide a crucial service to everyone.
Are the youth of today growing up to quickly? Is it the media to blame or societies views an beliefs that they should be more mature all the time. Are the kids These days missing out on their childhood?
When did it stop being safe for them to play outside without the risk of being abducted or a victim of a crime. Is the break down in society due to the fact that generations don't mix anymore and that the developments in technology has created a bigger divide in the lack in common the generations have.

Is it just that they don't understand one another.

Day 3

Had a random night last night made me think a lot about things I need to sort out what I want my life but how many people really know what they want to do with them selves?
Why do our local council spend loads on looking after the town centre when the roads are in such a poor state of repair. What do they do with the council tax I pay?
I understand they have costs to cover but the only thing we seem to have is a giant water feature that doesn't work and will cost tens of thousands to repair.

Day 4

Depression is all around us 1 in 4 will suffer some form in our lives with 1 in 10 suffering the most sever type.
How you deal with if is the key. It is set off by various different things and everyone will have their own ways of coping with it. Most people who haven't suffered don't understand what it's like and can get frustrated by someone never seeming to be happy when they can't Help it and want nothing more than to be happy again. More needs to be done to raise awareness of this illness so it can be spotted earlier and treated before it becomes to bad.

Monday 1 February 2010

Giving up smoking

Another different blog for me. I've now made it 2 weeks without smoking. Which for me is a good start.

I am hoping that not only will i save some cash but my health will finally start to improve and i won't be so ill all the time.

21% of the current population in the UK smoke. The government are aiming to reduce this by 2020 to 10%. They also quote that 7 out of 10 smokers are looking to quit.

There are various different ways of giving up smoking and plenty of products on the markets to assist you and people to give you advice.

The government has made a real push with the NHS stop smoking service that anyone can now get tailored help to give up smoking. Among this help is their smokefree webiste.

I applaud all they are doing to help improve peoples lives. I feel not only is it someones choice as to if they smoke, but where they smoke. By introducing the smoking ban in public buildings and forcing the smokers outside you are creating a divide between people. You are also making them look as out casts.

Also is life not meant to be about freedom of choices. Could this just be the start of the government telling us what we can do. Will they start banning certain foods or drinks because they are unhealthy.

I agree you shouldn't be allowed to smoke where there is food being served or there are children about. This doesn't mean they couldn't say if you want smoking in your pub, restaurant etc that you have to have a sealed off room with proper ventilation.

Then everyone knows the risks of entering this area. Yes most places wouldn't be able to afford this type of area and would still promote smoking outside instead. But it would mean you could in places like Airports etc.

Also the higher taxes on both Alcohol and cigarettes is understandable because of the health risks to them and the higher cost to the NHS these health risks have. But what about fast food chains. With obesity becoming a bigger risk in this country when will we see the taxes start rising on that.

Last thing just to tickle you a bit.

I saw a very amusing facebook group that also made a very good point as well. The title is If Pubs don't serve you when you're drunk, why do Maccas serve fat people??

Sunday 31 January 2010


Well its been an interesting weekend. Which means the content of this blog is more about what i did with my weekend. I shall be doing another blog very soon along with continuing my post office blog which i will be posting at the end of the week.

Friday was Mels birthday gathering where we went to her very nice flat with her other friends.

Saturday rugby was called off again. But we did get to watch the 2nds play and win very well against our local rivals.

Saturday night was fun there was booze, laughs, dancing, tears and a bloody nose among other things but it was definitely a night to remember.

Today was my mothers birthday and while waiting around i went to see my good friend ray just to witness the fact that she does actually work and wasn't just making it up.

In the coming weeks i will be blogging about various different subjects including my own activities i will be talking about employment, the decline in participtaion in sport, The lack of activities our younger generation do and why they stay in side so much, depression among other things.

I hope you all enjoy the reading and will come back and read the others.

Thursday 28 January 2010


This blog is going to focus on charities and what can be done to help them.

I have take part in many fundraising events and activities with the latest one being growing my beard for the whole of January for Chestnut tree house hospice. They care for terminally children and young adults from 0 - 19 years old.

It costs £2 million a year to run their services with the government contributing none of that. It is all made up from donations and fund raising.

Why when the government can spend billions a year to fund wars in far off lands, can they not find at least some money for charities like this that cover for the short fall in the NHS.

Now i am not criticising the work that the NHS do as for the resources of man power, equipment and money they do a great job. Or the people that are in armed forces fighting in Afganistan.

But the government use our money to bail out the banks, fight these wars on terror in different countries and forget that the basic things that we need and pay our taxes for like heath care and education for the future generation.

Now back to the main point that charities out there need our help and our money. As they need our support to keep running and to help all those causes that deserve it both domestic and foreign. There are many ways you can help them and not just by donating money.

My friend has a blog called FreeGiving on just this type of thing check it out for more ways you can help charities without donating money.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

The 1st shot

Ok so this is my 1st attempt at blogging. I hope everyone enjoys reading about my views and hopefully create some discussion about them.

My first topic will be about the stresses and pressure that is put on young adults from 16 - 25.

There is the stereotype that all young adults are thugs. You wear a hoodie in the street or hang around with a group of friends everyone gives you a wide birth. No one knows who you are and what you have done. The media constantly forces it down your throat about all the bad things that have happened of course people will form stereotypes.

But what you have to ask is if things were so much different in older peoples day and so much better then why has it changed if they are our role models, the ones that teach us, govern the country. Then who really is to blame in the social break down of the country?
If you look at some of the scandals that politicians have been through i.e. expenses and claiming more than they need. Is that any better than the person claiming benefits fraudulently to try and survive on what little they have as it is. Just because we have elected them to run our country and that they have/ had our trust.

Is it the youth who are the "thugs" on the streets or the politicians and authorities who are constantly telling us what we can and can not do. Of course young people will rebel they don't want the country they are growing up in and one day will run to be ruined by a generation that shows nothing but scorn and disregard in the youth of today.

So is it the fact that the youth are more misbehaved today than they were 30 years ago. Or is it the fact that the media is now so wide spread and accessible to everyone in seconds that people just know more about what has happened then ever before. Do people look back on their youth and only remember the good points. Or is it the older generation blowing it out of proportion just so they can place stricter measures on us to control and manipulate us to not rebel against the state?

To be continued

I hope you enjoy my 1st attempt at a blog and any feedback would be good. There will be more to come. Not just me ranting.