Sunday 31 January 2010


Well its been an interesting weekend. Which means the content of this blog is more about what i did with my weekend. I shall be doing another blog very soon along with continuing my post office blog which i will be posting at the end of the week.

Friday was Mels birthday gathering where we went to her very nice flat with her other friends.

Saturday rugby was called off again. But we did get to watch the 2nds play and win very well against our local rivals.

Saturday night was fun there was booze, laughs, dancing, tears and a bloody nose among other things but it was definitely a night to remember.

Today was my mothers birthday and while waiting around i went to see my good friend ray just to witness the fact that she does actually work and wasn't just making it up.

In the coming weeks i will be blogging about various different subjects including my own activities i will be talking about employment, the decline in participtaion in sport, The lack of activities our younger generation do and why they stay in side so much, depression among other things.

I hope you all enjoy the reading and will come back and read the others.

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