Monday 1 February 2010

Giving up smoking

Another different blog for me. I've now made it 2 weeks without smoking. Which for me is a good start.

I am hoping that not only will i save some cash but my health will finally start to improve and i won't be so ill all the time.

21% of the current population in the UK smoke. The government are aiming to reduce this by 2020 to 10%. They also quote that 7 out of 10 smokers are looking to quit.

There are various different ways of giving up smoking and plenty of products on the markets to assist you and people to give you advice.

The government has made a real push with the NHS stop smoking service that anyone can now get tailored help to give up smoking. Among this help is their smokefree webiste.

I applaud all they are doing to help improve peoples lives. I feel not only is it someones choice as to if they smoke, but where they smoke. By introducing the smoking ban in public buildings and forcing the smokers outside you are creating a divide between people. You are also making them look as out casts.

Also is life not meant to be about freedom of choices. Could this just be the start of the government telling us what we can do. Will they start banning certain foods or drinks because they are unhealthy.

I agree you shouldn't be allowed to smoke where there is food being served or there are children about. This doesn't mean they couldn't say if you want smoking in your pub, restaurant etc that you have to have a sealed off room with proper ventilation.

Then everyone knows the risks of entering this area. Yes most places wouldn't be able to afford this type of area and would still promote smoking outside instead. But it would mean you could in places like Airports etc.

Also the higher taxes on both Alcohol and cigarettes is understandable because of the health risks to them and the higher cost to the NHS these health risks have. But what about fast food chains. With obesity becoming a bigger risk in this country when will we see the taxes start rising on that.

Last thing just to tickle you a bit.

I saw a very amusing facebook group that also made a very good point as well. The title is If Pubs don't serve you when you're drunk, why do Maccas serve fat people??

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Giving up Smoking
