Tuesday 27 April 2010


OK so this isn't going to be a well researched blog its just going to be me having a moan.

Now your probably thinking that I'm going to moan about immigrants but I'm not.

I'm taking a different look on it than most people do when you mention immigrants people automatically think of them coming over here and "stealing" British jobs.

Lets look at this logically you have the immigrants that are highly trained and come over here to be able to get a job in whatever area they specialise. I.e the NHS yes there are loads of foreign nationals working for the NHS some of which have moved here to be able to work some may have even been recruited from abroad.
Why has this happened? Due to the fact that there isn't enough British people who want these jobs. They aren't qualified and find it to hard to qualify in this country to then work the rubbish long hours.

You also get the low skilled immigrants that come over as well. Now the other jobs that the immigrants "steal" are low paid manual labour jobs.
They were there before the immigrants came here and people didn't want to work them then. So why all the fuss when someone who's not British wants the job?
OK so do people pay the immigrants less to do that job? No that's what they were offering in the 1st place and the British people thought they would have a better deal if they sit on their ever increasing in size lazy arses and claim benefits.

I'm my eyes we don't have a problem with the immigrant work force coming over here and "stealing" jobs.
If it wasn't for them then most of Britain would come to a stand still because for to long we have allowed people and easy ride to claim benefit that they have forgotten what the idea of hard work is.
Some people can go their whole lives living off the state. Costing the country more than an immigrant that have moved here to work.

But who gets the bad reputation?

I wouldn't blame the rest of the world as viewing the British population as free loading work shy idiots. I know I'm starting to

Thursday 22 April 2010

The lesser evil

Sorry for the really long delay since my last blog. Been a bit busy at work and with my laptop dying on me haven't had a chance to get on.

OK so I'm going to blog about the elections today. We've still got a good couple of weeks of the 3 main parties trying to get one over on each other saying they are the right one to choose.

More people than ever a reported to have registered to vote but still not everyone.

But how many of them will be between 18 - 23 are actually registered to vote? How many of those will actually vote. But they are a key age range for each party to win over. And will be greatly affected by the result.

The result of this general election will affect the future of this country so why are people not voting?

Is this down to what i believe that all of the parties are the same in essence and that at the end of the day do any of them listen to the common every day people?

My view is register to vote and actually make the effort to cast my vote for someone. That entitles me to the right to moan about who is in power because at least i can say i voted (Unless by some real shock move the Lib Dems make it to power then i could be moaning about myself voting them in. I think they will be just as shocked as everyone else if they did)

The point of this blog. Maybe to encourage people to get active to find out more about the parties and maybe some of the lesser known parties that could do more for your local area.

There are a few parties that have very radical ideas w will be looking to use peoples uncertainty about which big party to get a foothold in to Parliament. This has to be stopped. Can you imagine a country run by the BNP?

Please get motivated take and interest in the future of your country to find out so to register to vote click here

I'm not the biggest fan of the government and think they get a lot of things wrong. But we still need to choose the lesser of the evils to lead us.