Saturday 13 February 2010

A Smile

Today is a bit of a different one. Its not really a moan just about a suggestion.

A smile such a simple thing. It takes less muscles to smile than it does frown and a smile can change a day.

Its amazing not only smiling make yourself feel better and happier but you can also make other people around you happier. When someone is truly happy and smiling away its hard to walk past them and not want to smile.

It brings a happy feeling inside when someone smiles at you. It can change your whole day in one second.

Now if everyone smiled more wouldn't things just seem a whole lot better in the world.

Also why don't strangers talk to each other as much anymore. People actually avoid conversation with people they don't know now through fear of them being a thug, killer, rapist, thief etc.

A couple of months ago while going through a rough patch and feeling pretty upset and pissed off with the world. I was sitting on a bench on my own thinking. A complete stranger came and sat next to me and started eating some chips. He actually turned round to me and asked if i was OK and if i wanted a chip.

Now i had never met the person i my life before. What made this person think of doing that in this day and age. But it changed my day completely to know that some people out there are still decent and care about other human beings even if they don't know them.

So whats the point of this blog?

Its this just once a week while your out and about think about other people. Hold a door open, buy a big issues, help someone carry their shopping (If you're feeling really helpful), Or just a simple smile

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